BHOF’s Web Site and its educational materials and publications are protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. You may not modify, reproduce or distribute (a) content from its materials or from this Web Site (other than as set forth herein), (b) the design or layout of the Web Site or individual sections of the design or layout of the Web Site or (c) BHOF logos without BHOF’s written permission.
As the Nation’s leading national voluntary health organization dedicated to reducing the incidence of osteoporosis, the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation (BHOF) receives requests from organizations, individuals and groups to reprint BHOF materials. In keeping with the Foundation’s mission to promote accurate, balanced and current information, BHOF may grant, on a case-by-case basis, permission to reprint certain of its copyrighted materials to commercial and non-profit entities wishing to publish educational or informational materials on osteoporosis, provided the following conditions are met:
1. BHOF must determine, in its sole discretion, that the use proposed by Requestor is consistent with BHOF’s mission to advance the field through educational information that is accurate, balanced and current.
2. Requestor must agree to use the requested material in its original form and medium, unless BHOF grants specific written permission to Requestor to edit, modify or change the format of the material. Requestor must submit a prepress sample of modified material to BHOF for approval, which approval must be in writing, before Requestor prints the material.
3. The requesting party agrees to provide a final copy to BHOF once it is completed.
4. Requestor recognizes that BHOF’s permission, if granted, will allow Requestor to use the materials one-time only in the manner requested.
5. Requestor may not give any other party permission to reprint the material BHOF has granted permission to requestor to reprint.
6. Requestor agrees not to contest or dispute BHOF’s ownership of the material or its copyright rights therein.
7. Requestor must identify and credit BHOF as the source of the material with the following statement, Reprinted with permission from the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation, Arlington, VA 22202. Title, publication date and statement: All rights reserved.
8. The publication will enhance the image, reputation and position of BHOF. To assess this, the requestor shall provide samples of other publications he/she has produced.
9. Except in special circumstances, for which BHOF must provide advance written permission, BHOF will grant Requestor permission to use material that constitutes (1) less than 10% of the overall publication from which it is taken and (2) no more than 50% of the article or publication into which it will be reprinted.
Click here to download the For-Profit Publication Reprint Form or the Non-Profit Publication Reprint Form.
All parties requesting this service are required to complete the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation Publication Reprint Application Form no later than four weeks prior to proposed publication.
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Last Reviewed 01/04/2023